Digital Signature
About Digital Signature
Government Policy
How Does Digital Signature Work?
BEEZA Digital Signature features:
Face Recognition
This is a technology that capable of identifying or verifying a person’s face from a digital image or video frame from a video source.
Multiple Signer
This feature will allow users to make transactions between two parties that require mutual approval.
Signing Workflow
This is an optional feature to process more than one signer that allows users to make transactions between two parties that require mutual consent from each other.
Bulk Signing
This feature allows users to digitally sign multiple documents in one click.
Digital Signature Advantages
- Time Efficiency
- Better Workflow Efficiency
- Secure
- Future Validity
- Business Efficiency
- Cost-Saving
- Better Customer Experience
- Legal Validity
- Environmental Friendly
Case Studies
Digital Signature Legality
“Saat ini dunia sedang mengalami transformasi menuju era masyarakat informasi. Untuk itu Indonesia harus mampu menyesuaikan diri agar tidak masuk ke dalam jurang digital divide, yakni keterisolasian dari perkembangan global karena tidak mampu memanfaatkan informasi.”
In the era of the digital system, digital signatures have the same legal force as signatures on paper documents that have the highest proving power. Digital signature could be authenticated through a document verification application.
source :
Mahkamah Agung
Digital Signature for Credit Agreement
“Penerapan digital signature atau tanda tangan digital mempermudah dan menghemat biaya dalam suatu perjanjian atau kontrak. Dan, keaslian tanda tangan digital tersebut sudah dapat dibuktikan dan berkekuatan hukum.”
Nowadays, many activities are already conducted electronically using digital systems. One of them is the need for approval from an individual for an electronic transaction in an electronic information system and/or on an electronic document. By using a Digital Signature from BEEZA, you can make transactions safely and comfortably.
source :
Hukum Online
No. PSE : 010251.01/DJAI.PSE/05/2024