Digital Signature

An assured, modest and effortless way to sign a digital document in a second.

About Digital Signature

Digital Signature is an authentication mechanism that enables the creator of the message to attach a code that acts as a signature. Digital signatures can provide proof of origin, time, identity, and status of a digital document.
Meanwhile, a digital signature is a type of electronic signature where a mathematical algorithm is routinely used to validate the authenticity and integrity of a message. It will ensure compliance with legal regulations by providing the validity and authenticity of digital documents or digital messages and the signer’s identity.

Government Policy

The legal power of electronic signatures is regulated in Law 11/2018 and strengthened by PP 71/2019, an electronic signature issued and implemented by PSrE which is certified by the state (in this case Kominfo) as having legal force before the law in force in the Republic of Indonesia.

How Does Digital Signature Work?

Digital signatures ensure that signatures are verified, authentic and legitimate. Signers are provided with PINs/Passwords/Codes that can authenticate and verify their identity and approve their signatures. It reduces the risk of duplication or alteration of the document itself.
Here are the steps to create a Digital Signature to sign digital documents in an instant, simplifying the Document Signing process in collaboration with our affiliated partners.
Register – Upload document – Sign document – Download signed document

BEEZA Digital Signature features:

Face Recognition

Face Recognition

This is a technology that capable of identifying or verifying a person’s face from a digital image or video frame from a video source.

Multiple Signer

Multiple Signer

This feature will allow users to make transactions between two parties that require mutual approval.

Signing Workflow

Signing Workflow

This is an optional feature to process more than one signer that allows users to make transactions between two parties that require mutual consent from each other.

Bulk Signing

Bulk Signing

This feature allows users to digitally sign multiple documents in one click.

Digital Signature Advantages

Case Studies

Nowadays, many activities are already conducted electronically using digital systems. An example is the need for approval from an individual for an electronic transaction in an electronic information system and/or on an electronic document. By using a Digital Signature from BEEZA, you can make transactions safely and comfortably.



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